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Rune Factory Wiki

This is an official post from Rune Factory's producer in celebration of the game's ten year anniversary. The original can be read here.

On August 24th 2006, Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon was released. So we are now celebrating Rune Factory's 10-year anniversary.

For this reason, we are now celebrating this with message posting.


"Congratulations on your 10-year anniversary! I'm greatly indebted to this series. When I first took on this story, I though, "a fantasy game where you carry a hoe" is certainly fresh and I was really excited and became super enthusiastic. I'll always love all the ways the Rune Factory's fun and evolution."
-Character illustration: Minako Iwasaki

"With everyone's help, I'm very happy that we can now celebrate this game's 10 year anniversary. We wanted to create a game that takes place in a fantasy world, so with various colleagues, we created Rune Factory. The foundation with 1, the generation system with 2, being able to transform into a monster with 3... There are still many things that we have yet to do. I wish to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart."
-original work producer: Yoshifumi Hashimoto

Hello, it's Hashimoto.

The other day, we posted a 10-year anniversary message.
Today, we will also be posting comments from the main cast.

"Congratulations on your 10-year anniversary!!! As I absolutely love love LOVE this series, reaching the 10 year anniversary, I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart! This series is very soothing to me. And I will always continue to play this game! So I'm waiting for the day that she will come back to being the heroine lol So let's both keep growing turnips, 'kay! I love turnips♩"
-Rune Factory Heroine Mist's actor: Ms. Ami Koshimizu

"Congratulations on the 10-year anniversary! I provided the voice for Kyle in 2007. that time, I rarely played a young man, With a soft look and sincere words, I thought he was a wonderful guy. to players of the game, I wanted to properly convey his charm, and I remember I tried my hardest. Even with time continuing to flow by now, I'm happy that I could play the character who's memorable to many people."
-Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon Protagonist Kyle's actor: Ms. Maaya Sakamoto

"Rune Factory, congratulations on the 10-year anniversary!! From farming, to fighting to even constructing a school! In a system that has a vast system of fun things to do, I'm surprised you remember my voice acting. Speaking of surprised, you can even get married! (lol) Of course, I remember thinking "I'd like if you chose Mana…" (lol) One after the other, Rune Factory games were created, I also think it'd be nice to play a character successive generation's character! Heading towards the 20th anniversary, please continue to enjoy the Rune Factory series!!"
-Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon heroine Mana's actor: Ms. Nana Mizuki

"Rune Factory, congratulations on the 10 year anniversary!! In this popular series, I had the honour of playing 3's protagonist, Micah. Micah is very sweet and is also a really cute guy...I also remember Moko Moko's being super duper cute. The marriage system also made my heart pound. Since I'm pretty childish, the marriage image really made me emotional (lol) Now, when I hear Micah's voice, I wonder how it was my voice! I wonder if I played him now if the mood would have been different. またマイスくんみたいな男の子を演じられる日が来るといいなと、逆に刺激を受けました。これからもずっとたくさんの方に愛されるRune Factory seriesでありますように・・・!"
Rune Factory 3 Protagonist Micah's Actor: Ms. Ryouko Shiraishi

"Rune Factory10周年記念おめでとうございますっっっ。お花が大好きな女の子、シアさん。自然を愛する心って、なんだかとても和むなぁと感じます。元々、『牧場物語』が大っっ好きで、それからのお話だったので、感激もいっぱいでした。今後も、『牧場物語』やRune Factoryの発展や、ご多幸をお祈りしたいと思っております。"
-『Rune Factory3』Main Heroine Shara役: Ms. Yukari Fukui

"Congratulations on the 10 year anniversary. ・・・時が経っても、自分の声がキャラクターと一緒に、皆さんに楽しんでいただけている有難さを感じています。気が早いけれど、次は20周年に向けて、引き続き応援のほどよろしくお願いいたします、までに心をこめて。"
-Rune Factory:Tides of Destiny protagonist Aden's actor: Ms. Miyuki Sawashiro



『Rune Factory大集合』の3DS用テーマを配信させて頂きます。

BGMはRune FactoryとRune Factory 4からテーマ用に構成した

Rune Factory, congradulations on the 10-year anniversary!

Tomoko Morita Rune Factory Series Sound Composer

3DS『Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns』の更新データ(2回目)についてですが、
更新頂くと、anniversary記念という事で、Rune Factory 4

最後はRune Factoryのオリジナルスタッフも参加して制作しました。


原作・Producer: Yoshifumi Hashimoto
