Rune Factory Wiki
Rune Factory Wiki


  • Good morning. Today is a nice day.


  • Protagonist's Birthday: Hmm? Ah, today's your birthday. Hope it's a happy one.


  • You know, ever since you saved her life, Hina's grown quite fond of you. Much to Julian's chagrin. Heh heh... Hm? Oh, nothing.

  • Alice, I recommend learning how to cook.
  • Because it's an important skill to have when leading a self-sufficient lifestyle?
  • Uh, well... Yes, there is that, but I was thinking more along the lines of you mastering the recipes for my favorite foods.


Catch a Wanted Monster[]

  • "How are things going? Have you gotten used to how SEED does things yet? I wouldn't get too comfortable, though. A good ranger remains ever vigilant. Aha! I know just the job to help you stay sharp. Get out there and catch a wanted monster! This is an order from your captain, just so you know! You don't get to turn this own down!"

Use a Spell Seal[]

  • Have you been putting the spell seal I gave you to good use? It doesn't just prove that you're a ranger. You can also use it to catch monsters. I'm a little worried that you don't quite know how to use it yet, so I want you to get some practice. Hold down the ZL Button to prepare a power catch that you can use to connect with your target. After you've forged a connection with a monster, return to the task board to give your report."


  • Sometimes people come directly to us with requests, but most of the time you'll find them posted to the task board. Anyone in town who has a problem or request they'd like us to take care of will post it there. You can only accept a limited number of requests per day, so choose whatever you think you can handle. You can see how much progress you've made on a request right here. If you decide you can't finish a request, then open up the Camp Menu and cancel it on the Ranger Notes page.
  • We mostly receive requests related to finding lost items or making deliveries. Sometimes we even receive requests to deal with monsters that have run amok.
  • Monsters enter our world through gates. The equipment we use to fight them has been enchanted with a special spell called Tamitaya. This spell sends any monsters we defeat right back to their own world, the Forest of Beginnings.
  • Usually you earn crests by using your catch skill to capture wanted monsters, but I'll make an exception this one time.

Earth Dragon[]

  • That's what we call gifted humans who can communicate with the creatures and sprits of nature. Earthmates are also known for having green thumbs. They can enrich the land through the simple act of farm work.